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वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


Dr. Bharati Mohapatra

Associate Professor & Head

Qualification : B. Arch (CET), M.Arch (Urban Design, Jadavpur University), Ph.D (SAP, Anna University)

Specialization : Urban Design and Planning

B. Arch (CET), M.Arch (Urban Design, Jadavpur University), Ph.D (SAP, Anna University)

Urban Design and Planning

25 years

Graduate Level : Architectural Design, Green Architecture, Theory of Design. Research Methods and Seminar
Post Graduate Level : Environmental Codes and Energy Rating, Water and Built Form, Architectural Design, Daylighting, Environment and Behaviour and Sustainable Architecture and Habitat Management

Public Space Design and Management, Urban Climate, Environmental Planning and Urban Conservation

  1. Gold medal for best graduate in M.Arch
  1. Registered with Council of Architecture, Delhi
  2. Life member of Indian Institute of Architects
  3. Member Building Committee, Ravenshaw University
  1. Design of housing options for the EWS, low and middle income group, for different agro-climatic zones in the state of Odisha -  BMPTC, Govt. of India, New Delhi and SPA, Vijayawada
  2. Design and Innovation Centre - IIT, Bombay and SPA, Vijayawada

International Publications

  1. Mohapatra, B. and Mohamed, A. R. (2015) ' The effect of social and spatial processes on the Provision of Urban Open Spaces: the Case of Bhubaneswar in India', International Journal of Green Economics, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 1-23.
  2. Mohapatra, B. and Mohamed, A. R. (2013) 'Exploring the Associations between Recreational Use and Attachment to Neighbourhood Open Space', International Journal of Ecology & Development, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 95-108.
  3. Mohapatra, B. and Mohamed, A. R. (2013), 'Place Attachment and Participation in Management of Neighbourhood Green Space: A Place Based Community Management', International Journal of Sustainable Society, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 266-283.
  4. Mohapatra, B. (2012) 'A Study on Components of Community Based Management of Urban Open Space', International Journal of Ecology and Development, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 99- 115.
  5. Mohapatra, B. and Sanjay M. (2011), “Strategic Framework for Public Space Planning and Management in Indian Cities”, Indian Journal of Development Research and Social Action (An International Journal), Vol. 11, No.1, pp 91-104.

International Conferences

  1. International Conference: Mohapatra, B. (2016). 'Assessment of Livability of Urban Environment: Mapping Provision of Community Infrastructure', International Symposium on 'Liveable Habitat & Sustainable Infrastructure: : A Key to Smart Growth', Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
  2. Mohapatra, B. (2015). 'Transition, Adaptation and Continuity: The Narratives of a Modernizing Heritage Village', International Conference on 'South Asian Vernacular Architecture: Challenges to its Continuity and Strategies for its future', School of Planning and Architecture, Bhopal.
  3. National Conference: Mohapatra, B. and Mohamed, A. R. (2010) 'Effects of Place Attachment to Neighbourhood Green Space on Attitude for Participation in Management: A Case Study of Bhubaneswar', Paper Presented at the National Conference on 'Urban Sustainability and Issues', University of Madras, Chennai.
  4. Mohapatra, B. and Mohamed, A. R. (2007) 'Perspectives on Community Based Participatory Management of Urban Open Spaces', Proceedings of the National Conference on 'Contemporary Urban Issues', Sathyabhama University, Chennai.
  1. Management of Urban Open Spaces in Developing Economies', Emerald Publishing House, UK.
  2. Chapter in edited volume of book - 'Urban Sustainability and Issues' Henson Editorial Services and      North Staffordshire Press, Stoke, U.K, pp. 183- 195, 2011
  1. Convener, National Seminar on 'Smart Development: Approach to Rethink on City Wellbeing and Sustainability', Piloo Mody College of Architecture, Cuttack (2016).
  2. 2. Coordinator, Seminar and workshop on 'World Heritage Day', School of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada (2014).
  3. 3. Convener, Seminar on 'Urban sustainability and Green Building' Indian Institute of Architects & MNRE, Delhi. (2012).
  1. Core Committee Member, Syllabus Revision of Department of Architecture, BPUT, Rourkela.
  2. Dean Academics, Piloo Mody College of Architecture, Cuttack.
  3. Member Board of Studies, School of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada.
  4. Member of academic inspection team, Directorate of Technical Education and Training, Govt. of Odisha 
  • Poster Presentation
    • Mohapatra, B. and Mohamed, A. R. (2005) 'Social and Economic Impacts of Open Spaces and Environmental Quality of Metro City Chennai, India', Poster Presentation at the Annual Conference of Soil and Water Conservation Society, Rochester, New York, No. 26.
Present Address : 
Department of Architecture
VSSUT, Burla
Sambalpur, Odisha- 768018
  Permanent Address : 
105, Gagan Awas Apartment
Gajapati Nagar,
Bhubaneswar, Odisha - 751005