The Bachelor degree in Architecture teaching programme covers the broad spectrum of understanding, designing and constructing human habitat and environment. The curriculum enables the student to comprehend environment on a macro scale by offering courses on urban and rural planning,and infrastructure design. The course is ingrained for imparting scientific and technical knowledge on building science, structural and utility design, and construction technology. The course opens up opportunities for advanced studies and professional career in designing, planning and managing of built environment and extends to new areas of allied disciplines.The course educates the students not only about the latest developments and innovations in the field, but also makes them sensitive to heritage, culture, tradition, and sustainable and inclusionary development practices.
The PhD programme offers opportunity to explore different frontiers of built and natural environment in the context of urban and rural areas. The thrust areas of research are sustainable urban planning, public space design, environmental planning and management, and urban conservation. There is a scope to take up of studies on impact assessmentof urban and environmental spaces. Research can be undertaken by adopting different simulation techniques andconducting trend analysis. Different qualitative, quantitative and experimental researches on emerging areas of studies in Architecture and allied discipline are included within the programme.