Chakraborty I. & Sen Somnath, , “Methodology for a supplementary source of water supply in slums of Kolkata Metropolitan Area”, Â 56THÂ Â International Conference on poverty alleviation and urban development, ITPI, DELHI January, 2010.
Mohapatra, B. and Mohamed, A. R. (2015) ' The effect of social and spatial processes on the Provision of Urban Open Spaces: the Case of Bhubaneswar in India', International Journal of Green Economics, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 1-23.
Chakraborty,I.& Sen Somnath, 2009, “Effective rain water harvesting – an Indian experience”, International Conference on Water Resource Development, EWRI, ASCE, IIT, MADRAS January , 2010.
Mohapatra, B. and Mohamed, A. R. (2013) 'Exploring the Associations between Recreational Use and Attachment to Neighbourhood Open Space', International Journal of Ecology & Development, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 95-108.
Chakraborty,I.& Sen Somnath, “Rain water harvesting in Kolkata a big challenge for sustenance”, 3rd International Conference on Decisions in Management and Social Sciences for Sustainable Development, IISWBM, Kolkata November , 2009.
Chakraborty,I.,” Impact of Informal Economy in Urban Planning” National Seminar at CUES, Calcutta University, Jan 2008.
Mohapatra, B. and Mohamed, A. R. (2013), 'Place Attachment and Participation in Management of Neighbourhood Green Space: A Place Based Community Management', International Journal of Sustainable Society, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 266-283.
Mohapatra, B. (2012) 'A Study on Components of Community Based Management of Urban Open Space', International Journal of Ecology and Development, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 99- 115.
Chakraborty,I.,Sen,Joy.”Environment Management Plan” Anthropology Inter Congress. Department of Anthropology, Calcutta University, 2004.
Mohapatra, B. and Sanjay M. (2011), “Strategic Framework for Public Space Planning and Management in Indian Cities”, Indian Journal of Development Research and Social Action (An International Journal), Vol. 11, No.1, pp 91-104.
Sarangi, Shaswat Sekhar. (2017) “Influence of vernacular architecture in evolution of temple forms of Odishaâ€, International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology (International Journal), Vol. 4, Issue 2.
Chakraborty,I.,Banerjee,S. “Spiritual Aspects of Vernacular Architecture”, National Conference Of Traditional Knowledge System Of India I.I.T.Kharagpur. January 9 –11 , 2004.
National Publications
Sarangi, Shaswat Sekhar. (2017) “Synthesis of Socio-cultural attributes in context of sustainable architecture in Indiaâ€, at A national level conference on "Recent trends in Architecture: Issues and Opportunities" at NIT Raipur