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वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology

About Department

The Department of Architecture was established in the year 2013 in VSSUT, Burla. Presently, the department is offering a five-year undergraduate B. Arch course with an emphasis on professional training. Its teaching program covers the broad spectrum of understanding, designing and constructing human habitat and environment. The course opens up opportunities for advanced studies and professional career in designing, planning and managing of built environment and extends to new frontiers of allied disciplines.

The department has the unique advantage of developing within a reputed Technical University and connecting with the oldest and highly experienced multi-disciplinary faculty of Odisha. It also has the distinction of being located in the culturally and environmentally rich region of Odisha.

The department is committed to ensure that the students are nurtured in an environment where there is unhindered 'accessibility' to knowledge resources and 'sustainability' of social and cultural values. The department is keen to imbibe the spirit of innovation, environmental sensitivity and creativity among the students in its endeavor for academic and professional excellence. Within the stringent academic environment there is abundant opportunity of co-curricular and explorative activities, where team spirit, leadership qualities, management skills and tech-proficiency are developed.

There is good opportunity to get exposure of up-to-date technological advancement, and knowledge of emerging research fields through the international conferences and symposiums regularly organised by the University. The University has state-of-art facilities for students to explore allied technical fields. By harnessing the available opportunities and potentiality the Department is striving to mark its footprint by emerging as a prominent centre of Architecture education in India.

Department's Vision & Mission

The Department envisions to achieve excellence in learning, research and innovation in the field of Architecture, and create an enabling environment of confidence and capability to take up academic and professional challenges by encompassing progressive technological know-how while being sensitive to the environmental and cultural ethics.

  1. To provide educational programs that promote knowledge building, skill development and scholarly enquiry to meet the professional challenges, international educational standards and needs of our diverse community.
  2. To undertake applied research for creating cutting edge knowledge in areas related to human habitat and environment and develop centres of studies in allied fields.
  3. To progress as a collaborative of profession and education and promote capacity building by undertaking advanced programs in emerging areas of architecture and planning, and establishing an integrated project consultancy cell.
  4. To foster environmental values throughout the education program and provide resource and knowledge for promoting indigenous and innovative sustainable development principles and practices.

Research and Development

  • Chakraborty I. & Sen Somnath, , “Methodology for a supplementary source of water supply in slums of Kolkata Metropolitan Area”,  56TH   International Conference on poverty alleviation and urban development, ITPI, DELHI January, 2010.
  • Chakraborty,I.& Sen Somnath, 2009, “Effective rain water harvesting – an Indian experience”, International Conference on Water Resource Development, EWRI, ASCE, IIT, MADRAS January , 2010.
  • Chakraborty,I.& Sen Somnath, “Rain water harvesting in Kolkata a big challenge for sustenance”, 3rd International Conference on Decisions in Management and Social Sciences for  Sustainable Development, IISWBM, Kolkata November , 2009.
  • Chakraborty,I.,” Impact of Informal Economy in Urban Planning” National Seminar at CUES, Calcutta University, Jan 2008.
  • Chakraborty,I.,Sen,Joy.”Environment Management Plan” Anthropology Inter Congress. Department of Anthropology, Calcutta University, 2004.
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  • DFID funded Project preparation of Draft Development Plan for ULBs in KMA.(2005-2008)
  • Preparation of Land Use Development Control Plan and LandUse Map and Register through the modern GIS techniques for 07 urban areas and Development Authorities (2005-06)
  • Architectural master Plan project of Satsang Ashram at Puri, Odisha (2008-10)
  • World Bank Funded project Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan. (2010-2012)
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Tech Talk on Cloud Computing Innovations, link will be added soon

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Guest Lecture on Future of Web Development

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Panel Discussion on Startups & Entrepreneurship

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Awards and achievements View all

24, Jan

Utkarsh Odisha 2025 at Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology (VSSUT) BURLA


24, Jan

National Conference on Chemical & Bio-Science on 25-26 March, 2023 organized by Chemical Engineering Department


Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs) Of B. Arch

  1. PEO1- To follow educational program, that has broad scope, and provides exposure to various areas of interests in the field of Architecture and Planning and enable students to discover their own directions for further development.
  2. PEO2 - To recognise Architecture as an intellectual discipline, both in academics and profession, which would make a vital contribution in the shaping of our environment and society, in the sphere of design and technology for a diverse range of situations, in rural and urban contexts, and in complexities of different social, cultural, geographical, economic and technical nuances which are unique and typical of every region in the world.
  3. PE03 - To stimulate sensitivity, unveil creative talents and enhance innovative pursuit of the students.
  4. PEO4 - To reinforce intellectual capabilities and develop proficiency in professional skills for enabling graduates to competently pursue alternative careers within the broad spectrum of architecture.
  5. PEO5 - To infuse competency and generate interest in the students towards research and higher studies.

PEO-Mission Matrix
































PO1 Ability to acquire and apply knowledge of fundamentals of building engineering, building sciences, architectural principles and graphic techniques.
PO2 Ability to understand and create artistic manifestations
PO3 Attain competency in computer aided designing skills
PO4 Ability to conduct experiments and surveys using different technologies and methods, and observe and analyse on-site and offsite factors
PO5 Ability to comprehend physical, social and other environmental characteristics of places for planning and designing
PO6 Understand ecological and other inter-disciplinary domains for following sustainable development practices
PO7 Capability to create spaces and products for optimum performance
PO8 Ability to take up professional challenges as individuals and team leaders
PO9 Ability to develop entrepreneurship skills and motivation to emerge as entrepreneurs
PO10 Ability to understand social and professional ethics and learn to be committed to responsibilities
PO11 Understand the essence of continuous learning process and develop capacity to acquire higher learning
PO12 Capability and pursuit for innovation in Architecture and related discipline


PSO 1 Ability to take up professional challenges in various capacities.
PSO 2 Develop knowledge and skill to acquire higher learning
PSO 3 Ability to develop entrepreneurship skills and motivation to emerge as entrepreneurs.

Distinguished Alumni View all

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